Against the background of changes that have affected labor relations, one can find absolutely incredible job titles. Is it as harmless as it seems at first glance?

Step 1
Legislation enshrines the right of the employer to name a particular position at his own discretion. This possibility is excluded for those positions where work gives the employee benefits and compensations (special meals, preferential pension, additional leave) or restrictions (certain health requirements). The names of such positions must fully comply with the requirements of the Unified Qualification Handbook. If everything is more or less defined with the working professions (the ETKS is general and for various industries), then the professions of managers, specialists and employees do not meet the requirements of today. In order for the title of the position to correspond exactly to the duties that are entrusted to the employee, it is allowed to enter titles that are not provided for by the ETKS. In order not to violate the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, before changing the name of a particular position, it is necessary to perform a number of mandatory procedures.
Step 2
The first thing to do is calculate the size of your organization. The number of employees must be economically justified - this figure must be calculated from the projected profit. There is no need to "dream" of a staff of 100 people, if you can actually pay only sixty wages. And don't expect to pay less to get more workers. Those specialists who are ready to work for a meager pay, as a rule, will “work out” a meager one (if they are not altruists or your loyal associates).
Step 3
Having decided on the number of employees, draw up a staffing table. Here you need to specifically decide how many, what and what qualifications of specialists you need. When developing a staffing table, you can enter new positions, rename existing ones.
After the procedure for agreeing on the draft staffing table, by order of the head, it is approved and comes into force. All your changes are now legal. It is necessary to familiarize employees with new positions and make entries in the work book.
Step 4
It would seem that everything is simple, but in the process of "inventing" new positions, try not to go too far in pursuit of a fashionable and catchy name. The profession of "manager" causes a lot of discussion. The Competence Guide for Managers and Specialists, which came into force in 1998, contains clarifications on this issue, but the list of positions is clearly insufficient. One thing is clear that the position of a manager belongs to management and is divided into 3 categories:
• top managers (these include all heads of organizations, companies, etc.);
• middle managers (heads of departments, sectors, services, etc.);
• lower-level managers (specialists who are responsible for a certain type of activity in the organization).
This means that the differences between them are only in the scope of authority and responsibility. In any case, a manager is a specialist who has a management function. For example, it would be correct to rename the position of the engineer in the supply and sales department to the position of the logistics manager. But to call the job of a cleaner "cleaning service manager" is absolutely wrong. But, unfortunately, such cases do take place. Therefore, when hiring new employees, try to find out what is really behind the beautiful name in the job book of the candidate for the position.