How To Choose A Worthy Boss Candidate

How To Choose A Worthy Boss Candidate
How To Choose A Worthy Boss Candidate

Choosing a worthy candidate for a managerial position is not an easy and responsible task, because the success of the work of the unit entrusted to him will largely depend on this person. For a commercial enterprise, this choice is directly related to profit, and a mistake is fraught with serious monetary losses. If you make this choice, only the knowledge of psychology and the ability to determine whether the candidate is telling the truth will not be enough.

How to choose a worthy boss candidate
How to choose a worthy boss candidate

How to interview a candidate

Choosing a candidate for a managerial position is also difficult because people applying for managerial positions themselves have experience in recruiting employees, they are erudite and have an excellent idea of how to behave in an interview in order to make the best impression and show themselves as a high-class professional. Use psychological skills to determine a candidate's sincerity and truthfulness.

Neuro linguists propose to evaluate the truthfulness of the interlocutor's words by the movement of his eyes. They identify seven possible directions of movement of the gaze, for example, if it moves up and to the left, the interlocutor comes up with something that did not exist.

Your task is to avoid the influence of the effects of perception on your impression of the candidate. You should not be blinded by the positions that he previously held, or those acquaintances to which he can refer. Try to evaluate him without attributing to any particular type and not attributing to him the characteristic qualities of people of this type, and also avoid projecting your own thoughts and feelings onto him. However, if you are yourself the head of an enterprise, department or HR director, you will naturally look for someone with the same skills and attitude to work as you do. In this case, such a selection principle will not be an error.

What to look for

During the interview, you need to find out to what extent the declared achievements are the real merit of the candidate. One way to do this is to conduct a situational interview and ask him to clarify what large projects and how exactly he managed, ask specific questions - how many people still participated, what work they did, what results were achieved. Based on the specificity and completeness of the answers, one can draw a conclusion about the real contribution of the candidate as a leader.

When interviewing, try to ask as specific questions as possible at a fast pace in order to get spontaneous answers, which will be the most truthful.

When choosing a candidate for leadership positions, you cannot rely only on the results of the interview and your own intuition. Ask him to provide recommendations from former employers, study the resume - if he changed jobs too often. If this is a trend, it is worth considering. Another objective selection criterion is special professional tests, do not neglect them in order to choose a really worthy candidate for the position of leader.
