Nowadays, any company that follows its reputation approaches the selection of personnel very responsibly. The correct selection of personnel affects the work of the entire company as a whole. Checking a candidate for a job will help you get to know a person and his attitude to work better, because it is impossible to look into a person's thoughts, and his real goals and desires may be radically different from those that we would like to see. Checking a job seeker should consist of several stages.

Step 1
First, interview the candidate. Ask him to talk about his past: school years, about parents, past jobs and reasons for leaving. Ask for telephone numbers for HR departments from his past jobs. Ask him all your questions.
Step 2
Contact the HR department of the previous firm that your candidate worked for. Ask them to talk about their former employee and give him a professional description. For a more complete picture of an employee’s professional activity in the old workplace, talk to his immediate supervisor.
Step 3
No self-respecting firm will hire a person with a criminal record. To find out if your candidate has been convicted, look in his passport on page eighteen. But don't be too happy if you find the page is blank. Perhaps your candidate has changed his passport, and this mark of conviction is re-put only if the convicted person and who served his sentence goes to the local police station. Therefore, send a request for the information you are interested in to the local police station and you will be provided with all the data per person.
Step 4
If you are satisfied with the testimonial, feedback from past work and your candidate's criminal record, invite him to a second interview for testing. To conduct psychological testing, you will need an experienced certified psychologist and a proven set of psychological tests and techniques. It is from this characteristic that you can make a clear idea of the reliability of a person, his ability to work, the hidden motives of joining your firm, and much more.
Step 5
If a candidate for a job has passed all your tests, but you are still not sure of him, offer him to pass a lie detector test: a polygraph. It is impossible for an untrained person to deceive this device, and you will receive reliable answers to all your questions.