Presentation of a new product involves providing the audience with the most complete information about it. However, this process is often delayed, and instead of a lively and interesting performance, you can watch a long and boring speech. In order to avoid this situation, you need to try to reduce the volume of the presentation.

Step 1
Highlight the main thing. You must sort all the information in your hands according to the degree of its importance. Make a list in which you describe the merits of a new product or service in decreasing order. Do the same with facts, documents, and other data. Include only the top positions of the lists in your presentation. This way you will not waste your time and listeners' time on secondary information.
Step 2
Design your demos so that they contain the least amount of text you speak. This applies more to slides. You can put additional information on them that you will not voice. Thus, during your presentation, the audience will be able to get acquainted with more information in less time.
Step 3
Create a block with additional information. This also applies more to working with slides. Instead of cluttering them with hard-to-read text, put all the additional information in a separate block. On the one hand, this will significantly reduce the volume of your presentation, and on the other hand, it will allow your listeners to clarify various nuances, if necessary, by resorting to this block.
Step 4
Agree with the audience before presenting that you should not be interrupted during your presentation. Promise to answer any questions that arise during the presentation after the presentation.
Step 5
Do not deviate from the topic of your speech. Many people forget about the main topic and are distracted by aspects that are insignificant in a particular case. Quite a lot of time is spent on this. Try to stick to a clear plan. If you are not sure if you will succeed, ask someone familiar with your talk to signal if you have deviated greatly from your plan.