Any organization - both the smallest company, consisting of only a few people, and a large corporation - must work efficiently and efficiently. And this requires a lot: to draw up a business plan, carefully select employees, think over ways to motivate them, create all the necessary conditions. That is, to organize the work.

Step 1
Decide how many employees you need by setting up a staffing table. You should not take more people than is really necessary.
Step 2
Each employee should have a clearly defined range of responsibilities. Ideally, anyone working in a firm should have a job description that defines his authority and the requirements for him. In the event of a temporary absence of an employee (illness, vacation, business trip), his duties must be distributed among colleagues or assigned to one person. Remember that when replacing, you must draw up a supplementary agreement to the employment contract.
Step 3
If the structure of the organization includes departments, pay special attention to the selection of their heads. These should be knowledgeable, competent specialists who are able to lead people and demand from them compliance with labor discipline, while not creating unnecessary nervousness, respectfully treating ordinary employees.
Step 4
Think in advance what style of communication with employees and what method of checking the effectiveness of their work you think is optimal. At the same time, try not to delve into literally everything, do not control every little thing. If you do this, why do you need department heads at all? In general leadership, allow people to do their job calmly, without unnecessary hassle. Make it a rule: you should only intervene in the activities of subordinate leaders when it is absolutely necessary.
Step 5
Think about ways to motivate, that is, incentivize outstanding employees. They can be very different, for example, bonuses for fulfilling a plan, rewarding with a valuable gift, paying for a tourist trip.
Step 6
It is necessary to take care of the organization of workplaces in advance. Before making demands on people, you should create more or less decent working conditions for them, provide them with everything they need. The premises where the company is located must comply with sanitary standards in terms of area, illumination, temperature, humidity, etc.
Step 7
And, of course, it is very important to create a favorable moral and psychological climate in the work collective. In this way, employees will work willingly and with full dedication. If there is a nervous, unhealthy environment in the organization, if people do not feel respectful, they will carry out their official duties without any enthusiasm and with coolness.