An agreement between two legal entities carrying out commercial activities in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation on the transfer of goods to one of the parties within the agreed time frame and at fixed prices to the other party is drawn up in the form of a supply agreement. This document allows you to record all the details of the transaction and the features of the upcoming delivery of goods, including options for resolving disputes in case of non-compliance with the terms of the contract. A well-drafted supply agreement avoids inconsistencies in the oral agreement and minimizes the risks of the parties.

Step 1
Start the paperwork with the title "Delivery Agreement", placing it in the center of the upper part of the sheet. Next, indicate the number of the contract, place and date of its conclusion. Here, write the details of the parties (full name, full name and position of the person authorized to sign the contract in accordance with the Charter, power of attorney indicating the number and date).
Step 2
In the main part of the agreement, fix the subject of the agreement. These will be the obligations of sending the goods by one party and accepting them by the other party with a description of the goods, their quantity and the full amount for which the delivery contract is drawn up.
Step 3
Next, describe the terms of the agreement accepted by both parties for binding. This is a clause about the quality and completeness of delivery, the method of packaging and labeling of goods. But the most important thing will be the obligatory indication of the timing and order of delivery of products.
Step 4
In the next section of the agreement, describe the financial details of the agreement (price, settlement procedure and the amount of the agreement). Here you can stipulate the order of delivery and acceptance of goods, determine the size of lots and the amount of individual payments.
Step 5
An important part of the document is the clauses on the division of responsibility in the event of force majeure or disruption of planned deliveries. Fines and penalties for violation of delivery or payment deadlines should be listed here. In addition, here you can determine the risks of non-compliance with standards (incompleteness or violation of technical conditions in the production of goods).
Step 6
The last section is devoted to the term of the contract, termination or amendment of the contract. The procedure for actions should be described separately in case of amendments to the contract, if necessary. And, of course, the procedure for considering controversial issues, for example, in the event that one of the parties refuses to fulfill the terms of the agreement.
Step 7
At the end of the document, indicate the legal and banking details of the organizations and leave space for the signatures of the parties by authorized persons. Drawn up in two (at least) copies, submit the supply agreement for consideration by each of the parties that have entered into this agreement.