The romance of the heavenly expanses attracts more and more people who want to work on flights every year. However, there are considerable requirements for applicants for the vacancies of flight attendants and pilots. Therefore, if for some reason you cannot get a job directly on the lines, try to get a job in the ground services of the airline.

Step 1
Check out the list of airline vacancies. The vacancies you are interested in can be found in newspapers and on relevant websites. If you could not find a vacancy that suits you, contact the airport owned by this or that airline directly.
Step 2
Before contacting an airport human resources staff, please review the job listings, which can usually be found on the notice board in the Human Resources reception area. Take the form from the employee of the personnel department and fill out the questionnaire. In the questionnaire, indicate:
- the name of the vacancy;
- work experience in a similar or related position;
- level of education, language skills and PC skills;
- passport data;
- information about the parents.
If you have an intermediate or high level of proficiency in languages, then you may be asked to fill out a second questionnaire, drawn up in the language that you speak.
Step 3
Take your completed questionnaire and ask your HR officer to review it. Usually, the application forms of the applicant for the position at the airport are considered immediately, in the presence of the candidate. If you indicated that you have a good level of proficiency in any foreign language, the initial interview may take place in that language.
Step 4
If an employee of the HR department is interested in you as a potential employee, he will send you for an interview with the head of the department where you plan to get a job (for example, in the dispatch service, security service, etc.).
Step 5
Before going to the second round of the interview, familiarize yourself with the rules, conditions and specifics of work at this airport. To do this, talk privately with the department where you intend to work. Assess the pros and cons of the job you are looking for.
Step 6
Be prepared for the fact that your future boss will ask you questions that are not related to personal data. Be especially prepared to answer questions about previous jobs and reasons for leaving.
Step 7
If the manager liked your answers, and he agrees to hire you, go through a medical examination at the airport medical service and take a foreign language test (if necessary). If the results of the examination and the language test are positive, then go to the personnel department of the airport, where present a questionnaire signed by the chief, a certificate of health status and an attestation sheet. An employee of the HR department will immediately put you on the staff.