You can find vacancies at Domodedovo airport using Internet job portals, newspapers and magazines, as well as using your own initiative. Below are just a few of the ways you can get the coveted position at Domodedovo airport.

Step 1
The Internet. On such portals as,, there is a special section of vacancies in the transport industry for applicants. Here you can choose - "air transport" and see what offers are available at the Domodedovo airport. Most often, engineers, technicians, loaders, flight attendants are required. Think about what position you would like to take - maybe a sales assistant or a dispatcher? In this case, you should enter the desired position in the search box for vacancies, for example, duty free sales consultant. Then make a selection, designating the airport "Domodedovo", and you will already have several or one position. Also visit the official website of Domodedovo airport. In the section "vacancies" you can find something suitable for yourself.
Step 2
Print mass-media. If on the street you are offered the newspaper "Work & Study", then you should carefully study it, since this newspaper for employment, handed out free of charge, contains vacancies at airports. These vacancies may not be highlighted in a separate section, so it is better to search by position. For example, if you want to work as a driver on the airfield, then you need to open the section "logistics, transportation, transport". The kiosks sell a lot of various printed publications on employment, so the seller himself will offer you the most relevant newspapers.
Step 3
Own initiative! You need to arrive at the Domodedovo airport, taking your resume with you. Next, you should go to the airport staff and find out how you can meet with the personnel service representatives. You can also go, for example, to cash desks and ask if they need cashiers. Ask for the telephone numbers of airport personnel. Be sure of yourself and then you will succeed.
Step 4
Personnel services. There are many recruiting agencies whose specialists will help you navigate the vacancies at Domodedovo Airport. You will find the phone numbers of specialized personnel services for jobseekers on the Internet, job magazines and the telephone directory.