If you always wanted to learn how to weld, but put off this moment for a long time, now you can practice either at home or at your dacha. There are different types of welding: arc welding, tack welding, etc. Remember that everyone can learn these skills if they put in enough effort to do so.

- - cash;
- - DVDs about welding works;
- - protective glasses;
- - overalls;
- - gloves;
- - helmet;
- - mask;
- - electrodes;
- - the Internet;
- - a mentor.
Step 1
Decide what type of welding you need for study and subsequent practical use. Start with an arc-type consumable electrode. In this case, it is much easier to operate the welding gun, which greatly simplifies training. Although, if only this type of welding is not enough for you, try others in the learning process.
Step 2
Enter to study the specialty "Welder" in one of the specialized educational institutions. It can be a professional lyceum, a college, or a vocational school. In 1-2 years you will be taught this specialty at the highest level, since you will be able to try all types of welding, you will own the theory and get a lot of practical experience. This option is suitable for you if you want to understand everything accurately and in detail, as well as get a specialty for employment.
Step 3
Purchase instructional DVDs. If you do not have time to receive secondary specialized education, then you have the right to use this option as well. Order video tutorials online. In this case, you will not learn a lot of theory, but you will see for yourself how an experienced welder prepares the tool and performs further actions, and also gives explanations.
Step 4
Buy all the necessary welding equipment from the store. In any case, you will need goggles, coveralls, gloves, an auto-darkening helmet and a mask. Also, do not forget about the special basket where all the tools will be stored. Buy electrodes as well. You need to purchase more than a dozen of them, since you will have to practice often.
Step 5
Put into practice all the acquired knowledge. Follow carefully the steps outlined by the professional welder on the DVD or what you learned during the training. For good results, take a few iron plates and weld them on. Then practice 2-3 times a week, welding various small pieces. It is best if you take a job and learn from experienced welders who can provide you with valuable guidance as you practice. Then you will quickly make excellent progress in this matter.