How To Keep Minutes Of The Meeting

How To Keep Minutes Of The Meeting
How To Keep Minutes Of The Meeting

The decision of any meeting is legally binding only if formalized in the minutes. The minutes of parents' meetings, homeowners' or shareholders' meetings, of course, differ in content, but the requirements for the form are always approximately the same.

Better to write the protocol on a draft first
Better to write the protocol on a draft first

Write on a draft

It is not always convenient to type on a computer during a meeting, so the minutes can be written on a draft first. Some information can be entered before the meeting starts. Above write the word "Minutes", just below - the name of the meeting and the date. Even lower on the left, write the word "Attended." If a decision is expected to be taken by a qualified or simple majority of the roster, indicate how many people should have been present. This is important, for example, when it comes to a meeting of homeowners who must decide on how to manage the house, collect money for major repairs, etc. Write your agenda below. If you intend to discuss issues that you do not yet know about, add the item "Miscellaneous". In some cases, the time limit should be specified.

After the meeting starts

Write down how many people are present and how many should be. Under the agenda, write the word “Listened” and put a colon. Write down the questions, the names of the speakers and a summary of the speeches, point by point. Speakers may be asked to submit their speeches in advance. Record on the minutes the questions asked to each presenter and the answers. As for the solutions, they can be entered after each question or as a single block at the bottom of the protocol. Be sure to indicate how many people voted "for", "against", how many abstained. Under the decisions, write the names of the chairman and secretary, and put the date. In some cases, it is required to indicate the names of all members of the presidium.

Type text on the computer

When typing on a computer, the secretary usually edits the text. Try to edit it so that it doesn't break the meaning. This is especially true for decisions. There is no uniform form for the registration of protocols, but the following rules usually apply:

- the text is typed in 14 point size with one or one and a half intervals;

- alignment of the main text - on both sides;

- title alignment - centered, number of attendees - right;

- paragraphs start with a red line.

Type the text, do not forget to leave space for the signatures of the chairman and secretary, as well as put transcripts of signatures. Put the date at the bottom. Print out the minutes and let the chairman and secretary sign it. There are cases when a meeting is held in absentia. In this case, the texts of the speeches are not written. The rest of the protocol is drawn up in the same way.
