Instruction - an organizational and legal document, belongs to the category of approved ones. Without a properly executed job description, you will not be able to impose disciplinary action on a negligent employee. And when resolving a controversial issue, the first stage of the proceedings is the study of the employee's job description. It is also difficult to overestimate the importance of labor protection instructions developed for various types of work.

Step 1
Any instruction must be drawn up on the company's letterhead, where all the main details are indicated: the company's logo (if any), the name (both full and short), the place of compilation, if this is not obvious from the name. For example, LLC "Comfort" is a universal name, so the form must indicate the location: Perm or Evdakovo, Orenburg region. Any instruction must be approved either by an official (manager) or by an administrative document (order, order) … The stamp of approval is located in the upper right corner and consists of the words: APPROVED (without quotes, punctuation marks); below - the full name of the position of the approver; below - his signature and signature decryption; below is the date of approval. If the instruction is put into effect by order, the record is located in the same place, its content will look like: APPROVED; below - by the order of LLC "Comfort"; below - from 02.05.2010 No. 98.
Step 2
The next required attribute is the title. He should tell what this document is about, contain comprehensive information, but not be unnecessarily long. For example: safety instructions when working on a drilling machine "N".
What follows is the coherent text of the instruction. It is divided into sections, clauses and subclauses. As a rule, the beginning is the section "General Provisions", where it is necessary to indicate the purpose, purpose of the document, for whom it is being developed. The text is printed from the third person, singular or plural, in Russian. Requirements for paper: A4 format, indentation on the left at least 20mm, on the right - at least 10mm, top and bottom - at least 20mm. An example of the first sheet of the job description.
Step 3
The instruction is signed by the official responsible for the development. If necessary, coordination with the interested services (economic, legal, labor protection, etc.), the instruction is endorsed by specialists. Visas are located below the signature of the person responsible for the development and contain the signature, decryption of the signature, date; are arranged alphabetically by the surname of the approver. If the instruction is personalized (for example, a job description), a mandatory requisite is familiarization. Familiarization takes place after full agreement and approval of the document. The content of the acquaintance: "I have read the instructions, signature, decryption of signature, date." An example of a second job description sheet.