All people in the world are consumers of goods and services. But in our country, the quality of goods and services leaves much to be desired. Even foreign citizens have repeatedly encountered the rudeness of the service personnel or low-quality products in stores. To resist such rudeness, there is a "Book of reviews and suggestions."

Sellers are still afraid of an organization like Rospotrebnadzor. Like any official organization, it requires proof. In this case, the complaint book will come in handy. For some reason, consumers rarely use it, since they consider it ineffective in solving their problems. However, they are not entirely correct. This complaint book can be effective when applied correctly.
Before leaving a review, make sure it meets all legal requirements. As a rule, this book of complaints is numbered and also laced and has a seal of sealing wax. First of all, this is done so that the seller does not have the opportunity to rip out the relevant page. In addition, the head's signature must be near the seal At the very beginning of the notebook there is an instruction. Its task is to help the consumer who first used the book.
How to use the complaint book? This is an official document, therefore, it is subject to registration, of course, provided that it is correctly drawn up. A consumer can demand this book in any organization that provides services or provides goods. Even the police have such a document, so there is an opportunity to use it.
In the organization, the book should be located in the most visible place for a person. At the same time, sellers must provide it immediately, upon first demand. You do not have to present your documents. The entry should be made quite understandable and more detailed, but, as a rule, only the essence. The more details you provide, the more chances that action will be taken. In addition, by law, you must be provided with a desk and chair for writing. The head of the organization is obliged to consider your claims within 2 days. Then, in the next 5 days, he is obliged to carefully understand the essence of the problem itself and take the necessary measures to eliminate all violations.
In order to find out if any action has been taken on your record, simply visit the firm again and look at the book. As usual, there should be a note on the action taken on the back of the same sheet where you wrote your proposal. If, for some reason, it takes a few more time to take action on the complaint, then a note about this should be left on the other side of the sheet. This period cannot be more than fifteen days.
According to the law, even if the book of complaints is registered, you are still required to be given 2 sheets of paper. They need to state your proposals or claims in duplicate. One of them will stay in the store. And the other one (with a signature on the receipt of the complaint) must remain with you. In case of refusal to grant the right to complain, there are two ways out.
The first one is an attempt to meet with the management staff of the enterprise and explain the whole situation. If you do not want to listen to you, you can safely file a written complaint for the refusal to provide the corresponding book. Mandatory in 2 copies.
A copy of the complaint can be sent to the territorial department of Rospotrebnadzor. At the same time, you must consider your claims and take action within one month. But such cases rarely come to serious measures, because people are too lazy to simply fight for their own rights.