Review - critical review, often used to evaluate a scientific work, project. Before submitting a dissertation or article for publication in a scientific publication or journal, the author must provide a review of the supervisor or other person who has authority in the field in which this work is written. The task of the reviewer is to assess the novelty of the scientific work, its relevance.

Step 1
The review is written in any form, but when compiling it, you must adhere to several rules. In the title part of a review of a scientific work, indicate its full name, position and scientific title of the author of the article, his surname and initials.
Step 2
Give a short description of the problem that the paper or article is about. There is no need to disclose its full content, highlight the main points.
Step 3
Evaluate the degree of relevance of this article, argue the appropriateness of this scientific work and the methodological, technological novelty and evidence, economic benefits that the new ideas contained in it contain. Briefly describe the state of affairs in this field of science today, reflect the available foreign experience, list the issues that were studied by the author in the course of this research development.
Step 4
Tell us about the most important aspects that the author of the article reveals, the features of his approach, the methods used. Highlight those points of particular interest and the main points of the methodology used. List those important conclusions and recommendations that are made and given in the work, mark your agreement or disagreement with them.
Step 5
Make your conclusions, how serious and interesting this work is, the scientific level of the article, the quality and literacy of its presentation. List those findings, experimental results and findings that are of particular interest, both scientific and practical. Note how the content of the article is logically interconnected and supported by links to authoritative sources.
Step 6
Give your recommendations on the possibility of defending this work for a scientific degree or publication of an article. Emphasize its compliance with the requirements for publications of this kind.
Step 7
Sign the review indicating your position and academic title, affirm the signature with the seal of the institution where you work.