It so happens that after leaving work, after a while a person realizes that the place he left was not so bad. Or, in the new position, everything turned out not to be as promised at the interview. And then the decision is made to return to the previous job.

Step 1
If you decide to return to your old place of work, call your former colleagues. Ask them if your position is vacant. If the vacancy is closed - ask to find out if there are any similar positions in other departments.
Step 2
If there is a vacancy, whether in your department or a friend, call your former supervisor. Say that at the new place of work everything seemed completely different from what you expected, praise his ability to organize a workflow and ask if you can come back. Explain that you are aware of the vacancies and that you are ready to start working soon.
Step 3
Tell us that in your new place of work you have mastered new skills, gained a customer base, learned profitable suppliers, etc. Let the manager make sure that by accepting you back, he will acquire a more qualified employee for the same salary.
Step 4
Very often employers prefer to hire already familiar employees than to look for new ones. Ask your former boss to recommend you to the head of another department if there are no vacancies in yours. A person who has not come "from the outside" is looked at differently. It is a priority when there are candidates who are not recommended by anyone.
Step 5
If you are invited for an interview for an old job, dress in a business suit. It doesn't matter that everyone you meet there is familiar to you. Employers must once again be convinced of the correct choice, so show them that you are a responsible and collected person, a professional who will perfectly cope with the most difficult tasks.
Step 6
Bring your passport, pension insurance certificate, TIN, work book with you. Most likely, after the interview, you will be immediately assigned to the state, and all these documents will be needed.
Step 7
After returning to your old place, arrange small gatherings with colleagues. On them, tell us why you came back and how glad you are to see everyone again. This will endear the team to you, and it is much more pleasant to work in a friendly atmosphere.