Slow print speeds can be a major bottleneck in many areas of life. Modern firms consider high speed of printing to be a prerequisite for most professions. This allows you to work faster with electronic documentation, which means more efficiency. There are some tips to help you type faster.

Find a tutorial. It can be a disc, program, or book. Read the instructions carefully and complete any required lessons. As a rule, the usual curriculum is enough to develop a speed of 200-300 characters per minute, which is already considered a good result.
Communicate on social media more often. In a networked culture, it is customary to respond quickly to messages. Make acquaintances with whom you can correspond constantly. The upside of this method is that you don't put any effort into learning to type faster. It gives good results within 3-5 months.
Study the layout. Carefully study in what position your hands should be at the time of typing. Remember which finger is responsible for each button. Whenever you have to type on the keyboard, follow these guidelines. It is better to specially train the correct position of the fingers by typing simple texts.
Write in two languages. When exploring the blind typing method, use different layouts. This will increase the speed of printing in two languages at once. This is especially useful if you often visit foreign sites.