Modern teenagers have been taught to calculate. Few are guided by vocation or romantic ideas when choosing a major. First of all, future students are interested in the highest paid professions.

Step 1
Labor standards and realities of life in the Russian Federation and the United States differ. Therefore, a prestigious job by American standards may be completely unclaimed in Russia.
Step 2
For example, neurosurgeons rank first in terms of pay in the United States. Their annual income can be as high as $ 400,000. It is easy to guess that even a highly qualified doctor in the Russian Federation may not earn that kind of money in 10 years.
Step 3
Prestigious specialties in Russia are related to finance. The best paid is the banking sector. Their salary is kept at around $ 10,000 per month. Naturally, such money is received not by an ordinary clerk, but by a manager. In order to get such a job, you need a diploma from the relevant university, as well as leadership qualities and the presence of acquaintances in this industry.
Step 4
Some high-paying professions in the United States and Russia are similar. For example, both there and there, dentists make a lot of money. But only in the States, dentists, where their annual income fluctuates between $ 170,000 and 200,000, are second in the list of the highest paid specialists, and in Russia they did not even make it into this rating. The second in the Russian Federation are insurance agents, earning about $ 6-8 thousand per month. But for such a level of earnings, you need to work in this area for more than one year and hold a leading position.
Step 5
HR management is a very prestigious job by American standards. The CEOs who coordinate operations receive up to $ 170,000 per year. In Russia, chief accountants are in third place in the list of the highest paid specialties. Their income is directly proportional to the level of the company. In large firms, the chief accountant can receive an average of $ 6,000.
Step 6
The fourth highest paid profession in the United States is petroleum engineers, with an annual income of $ 140,000. Naturally, such a job cannot be obtained without special education, talent and experience. In Russia, the leaders of construction companies are in fourth place. The real estate business is extremely profitable, but the competition in this area is high. Therefore, even managers receive only $ 5-6 thousand.
Step 7
Fifth place in both the United States and Russia was taken by lawyers. In the first state, they earn an average of $ 130,000 per year, in the second - $ 1-5 thousand per month.
Step 8
Other prestigious specialties in Russia: pop and film artist, civil servant, designer, IT specialist, senior executive. And yet, applicants need to revise the lists annually, since the level of remuneration is not an indicator of demand in a particular area.