A manager is a very demanded profession. A person in this role must have high professionalism and take a responsible attitude to their work. However, not only these 2 qualities will make his work effective, the manager will need a few more skills that will lead his team to success.

The ability to manage oneself
To become an effective manager, a person must learn to manage himself. In other words, you need to rationally allocate your energy, time, skills, as well as be able to find a way out of conflict situations and minimize the impact of stress. A good manager must clearly define personal principles and values. If this is not the case, then the effectiveness of implementation and decision-making will gradually come to naught. It is necessary to clearly define the goals and possible ways of their implementation. And this applies not only to work, but personal achievements in general.
Ability to manage people
An effective manager must be able to manage people. He must unite the team, making it one, then the goals will be achieved easily and the business will develop. It is very important to find an approach to each subordinate, and this can only be achieved through daily communication. You should not humiliate people, you should learn to listen and hear them. As a result, you can avoid conflict situations that only interfere with building good relationships.
Undoubtedly, it is necessary to express your dissatisfaction with subordinates, but you should do it in a more correct form, without bursting into shouting. It is better to discuss the problem in private with an employee than to do it in front of the entire team. The result of such a dialogue will be trusting relationships in the team and the interest of each employee in work.
Ability to make decisions
Effective work is impossible without the ability to make rational decisions. Moreover, one must also bear responsibility for them, and not shift it onto subordinates. An effective manager does not postpone the decision of this or that issue until later, since this subsequently leads to a whole string of unfinished and unfulfilled cases.
To make the right decision, you need to be creative. It is very important in this work to find unusual solutions, take risks and experiment, but within reasonable limits, since everything must be justified.
Work on yourself
Any manager wants to gain the respect of subordinates and move up the career ladder, so he must work tirelessly on himself. You need to strive for self-development, improve your professional knowledge. In this case, you should identify your weaknesses and try to turn them into strengths. Courses, trainings, reading books and more will help with this. The main thing is not to stop there, but to conquer all new peaks.