At enterprises where parts for products are produced, it is necessary to calculate the shift ratio of machine tools. This indicator is calculated to develop a schedule of exits to the workplace for employees of a particular structural unit. Its calculation is needed to determine the efficiency of the production process.

- - calculator;
- - documents for machines (equipment);
- - production calendar;
- - work schedules of the department for the calendar year.
Step 1
Determine the period for which you need to calculate the shift rate. As a rule, it should be taken as a calendar year. Count the number of working days in 12 months. To do this, exclude weekends and holidays. Use a production calendar.
Step 2
Count how many machines are installed in a particular department (service, structural unit). Each of them must have the appropriate documents that confirm their belonging to your company. Machines have a certain expiration date, so make repairs in a timely manner or, if necessary, write off expired machines.
Step 3
Determine the number of possible machine days (machine days). To do this, multiply the number of working days in 12 calendar months by the number of machines in this structural unit.
Step 4
Determine the number of machine tool shifts actually worked. To do this, multiply the number of hours in one working day of each machine by the number of actually worked shifts in the billing period. Use the work schedule of a specific structural unit. As a rule, it has a removable character. You should take this document for each month of the calendar year, as it is drawn up by the head of the service on a monthly basis.
Step 5
Divide the number of hours actually worked on one machine by the number of possible machine-tool shifts (which is determined by multiplying the number of working days per year by the number of machines in the department). Thus, you will receive the value of the equipment replacement ratio in the structural unit.
Step 6
The calculation of the shift ratio is necessary in order to determine the efficiency of the equipment installed in the department (workshop) and the need to purchase new machines if the number of machines is not enough for the continuity of the production process.