Renovation and construction work in apartment buildings is a sore subject for parents of small children and people who are sensitive to noise. But for several years now, a law has been in effect that regulates the time of such work and does not allow builders to interfere with the rest of other residents of the house.

Hour of silence at the legislative level
"Hour of Silence" is the official name of the period of time during the day during which any loud work related to the construction and repair of apartment buildings is prohibited. In a number of regions, other sources of loud sounds fall into the same category, the noise from which exceeds the number of decibels described in the law. It is quite logical that the "hour of silence" is the night time.
For the city of Moscow, the law of November 21, 2007 N 45 (as amended on June 23, 2010) is in force, prohibiting noisy work from 23:00 to 07:00, subsequently supplemented by SaNPiN (sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations), prohibiting major work and work on the redevelopment of residential premises before 09:00 and later 20:00. Additionally, a regional law "On Silence" was adopted in the Moscow Region, which came into force at the beginning of 2014 and introduces an additional "hour of silence" from 13:00 to 15:00.
The Law of St. Petersburg dated February 14, 2013 No. 51-16 also limits the time of construction work from 23:00 to 07:00 under the threat of administrative liability. The law "On Administrative Offenses" N 608-KZ dated July 23, 2003 for the Krasnodar Territory defines the same time period. For other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, similar laws apply, the difference is only in the amount of the fine and the morning border of the time interval - some of the laws provide for the start of work at six in the morning, some indicate seven or eight hours.
Thus, taking into account all the norms and laws in force at the moment in the regions, the Moscow region turns out to be the "quietest" region - noisy construction work and other loud actions are allowed only from nine in the morning to one in the afternoon and from three in the afternoon to seven evenings from Monday to Saturday.
Regulation of construction, installation and repair work in the middle of the day in the regions
Although at the level of legislation, the day break in noisy work is not fixed in any region, except for the Moscow region, in fact in other cities of Russia the functions of regulating repair work schedules are taken over by the HOA.
In practice, the day break establishes a separate HOA for a particular house, focusing on the requests of the residents of the house when determining the boundaries of this time. As a rule, "hours of silence" are associated with living in the home of young children, for whom a sleep period of two to three hours in the middle of the day is necessary - therefore, the time for stopping work is set from 13:00 to 15:00 or from 14:00 to 16: 00.