Faced with violation of consumer rights, many of us simply leave the store, and unscrupulous sellers continue to work as if nothing had happened. What should you do in such a situation? Shopping at another supermarket, but avoiding scandals? But you don't have to swear, you need to use arguments in order to get quality goods and the initially decent service provided. Let's figure out how to defend the buyer's rights in different situations.

Give a complaint book
If the service is poor, be sure to ask for a complaint book, and at home duplicate your complaint on the company's website. Someone might say that this is naive, but the more negative signals from consumers, the more likely it is that a negligent employee will be deprived of bonuses or even fired.
Sometimes even the mere mention of a complaint book will drastically change the situation.
Always keep receipts
Never throw away receipts for items covered by a warranty. It is even better to keep receipts for groceries for a couple of days, because a product that is normal at first glance can become moldy or quickly deteriorate in a day or two. A substandard product can also be found after opening a can, packaging, etc., but this does not necessarily happen on the day of purchase.
Do not lose your temper
Shouts and swearing turn the buyer into a brawler. Calmness and arguments should lead the actions. In this case, the attitude towards you will be different. Always be aware of your advantage: the buyer is you and your rights have been violated. If store employees refuse to return money for an expired product, damaged or of poor quality, calmly inform that you contact Rospotrebnadzor. No sane leader wants to have problems with this body.
Know and protect your rights
Many of us take sellers at their word, not knowing our most basic rights. There is no cash register at the outlet - you are required to issue any document confirming the purchase. If this does not happen, this is a direct violation of the law. You can, of course, shop elsewhere, but it’s easier to spend a little time reading the necessary information on the forums on the Internet or in brochures about consumer rights, and, perhaps, there will be fewer unscrupulous sellers and their leaders.
Solve problems with superiors
Sometimes there is no point in arguing with cashiers or ordinary sellers; in this case, you need to directly contact higher-level employees. If they do not want to go forward, remember that there is always a head office in which your complaint will be heard, and action will be taken against violators.
Always know what you want
It happens that emotions are so overwhelming that you can be confused about what claim you have against the seller (manager, store in general). Decide in advance whether you need to return the product and get money for it, exchange it for a similar one, but of good quality, or simply reprimand the employee and deprive him of his bonus. It will be much easier and faster this way.
Is the game worth the candle
Not all cities have a high level of service. You can prove your case based on the chances of 50 to 50. Think about whether you need to waste time and nerves in this case, perhaps an argument over some trifle is not worth it?