Not every citizen of Russia knows which court to apply to in a particular case, but this is very useful information. If you need to defend your rights, you need to know where and how to file a lawsuit.

Step 1
Determine the subject matter (you need to find out whether to go to the magistrate or the district court).
Step 2
The magistrate must be contacted in the following cases:
1) If the amount of the claim is 50,000 rubles or less, with the exception of claims for the inheritance of property and cases related to the creation and use of the results of intellectual activity. Both the amount of money and the property subject to real assessment are taken into account.
2) In case of family law disputes, with the exception of disputes related to children and property, the value of which exceeds 50,000 rubles.
3) In the case of claims for determining the procedure for using property (without limitation in value).
4) If an application is filed for the issuance of court orders.
Step 3
To appeal to the district court for the protection of civil rights should be in other cases that do not fall within the jurisdiction of justices of the peace. In addition, if you have several requirements specified in your application, and at least one of them is not subject to consideration by a magistrate, such an application should be submitted to the district court.
Step 4
Determine the territorial jurisdiction. You have determined the subject matter jurisdiction, that is, you learned that your case falls under the jurisdiction of the district court (justices of the peace). Now you need to determine which particular district court (the judicial department of which of the justices of the peace) should be applied in your case.
Step 5
As a rule, the statement of claim must be filed with the court at the place of residence of the defendant, that is, the person who is being sued. However, sometimes there is a choice between several courts where you can file your claim. If you have more than one defendant on your application, you can file a claim at the place of residence of any of them. Claims for alimony, compensation for harm to health and in some other cases can be filed at your place of residence.
Step 6
If it is about real estate, then claims are filed in court at the location of the real estate.