A person working in an organization accumulates seniority. It is this time that serves as the basis for the emergence of rights to a pension. In addition, seniority can affect the level of wages, disability benefits, etc. The work book is the main document confirming the length of service. But what about those people who do not work under an employment contract or have lost the above document?

- - contract;
- - extract from the personal account;
- - settlement documents;
- - 2-NDFL certificate;
- - additional agreements or copies of orders.
Step 1
Let's say you work under a civil law contract. You can confirm the length of service with the help of a legal document concluded earlier with the employer. The contract must contain all the necessary details, including the signatures of the parties and the seal of the organization.
Step 2
If you need to prove seniority for calculating a pension, you should know that since 1996, the heads of organizations have been reporting to the FIU, that is, they hand over personalized accounting. In this case, it is not necessary to confirm the length of service, since all contributions are recorded in the system.
Step 3
An employment contract drawn up in accordance with Russian law can also serve as a confirmation of seniority. As a rule, upon hiring, the manager, having signed the document, gives you a second copy. This is what you should use as a foundation.
Step 4
If you received a salary on a bank card, take an extract from your personal account to confirm your employment. To do this, contact your bank branch with an application for this information. If you received wages from the organization's cash desk, you should have payroll with all the necessary seals and signatures in your hands.
Step 5
When carrying out work, ask the employer for copies of the signed orders. The administrative document must be certified by the signature of the employer and the seal of the organization. It is the orders that can serve as confirmation of seniority. This also applies to supplementary agreements.
Step 6
If you want to prove your experience in court, you can use the testimony of witnesses. These can be colleagues, for example, a personnel worker, an accountant, and other employees.
Step 7
To confirm the length of service, you can use the 2-NDFL certificate. As a rule, income is put down in the form of a digital code, for example, 2010 code is used to indicate payments under civil law contracts.