How To Get French Citizenship

How To Get French Citizenship
How To Get French Citizenship

Table of contents:


For one reason or another (change of place of residence, marriage with a citizen of another country, etc.), it happens that people change their place of residence and need to obtain citizenship and registration on the territory of another state, but when faced with this problem, they do not know where to turn and what actions to take. This article is devoted to the acquisition of French citizenship and will tell you how to obtain French citizenship quickly without wasting time and effort.

How to get French citizenship
How to get French citizenship


Step 1

To begin with, I would like to note that French citizenship can be obtained in four cases: birth in France, kinship, marriage with a French woman or French, and naturalization.

Step 2

How to obtain French citizenship by kinship or in case of birth in France You must reside in France from the age of 11 at least 5 years.

You must be 18 years old or 16 years old, but in the second case, obtaining French citizenship is possible only by filing an application with the court. It is also possible to obtain citizenship at the request of the parents in the event that the child has lived in France since the age of eight and agrees to such a receipt.

Step 3

How to obtain French citizenship by naturalization (not a citizen of France, but permanently residing in its territory) Contact the authorities with an application for citizenship and an indication of the reason, providing the required documents, the list of which can be found on the spot.

Step 4

However, you should be aware that an official appeal to the authorities for obtaining French citizenship can only be made by an adult and only by someone who has been legally residing in the country for at least 5 years before applying, as evidenced by the relevant documents (for example, a temporary residence card). At the same time, it is important to know that the period of residence in France is reduced by 2 years if you received higher education in the country for 2 years or proved your ability to be useful to the country.

Step 5

How to obtain French citizenship by reason of marriage to a French citizen Apply to the consulate for citizenship by reason of marriage, providing all the necessary documents confirming the marriage and proving your identity. Pass an interview at the prefecture and consulate, which is established by law and allows you to identify the fictitious or non-fictitious marriage, as well as your behavior and attitude towards the country and law-abidingness.

Step 6

With all this, if you are not denied the acquisition of citizenship, you will be able to obtain it only after two years after the marriage, taking into account that your life together with your spouse was uninterrupted both in fact and materially. To do this, after a year of living together, you should apply to the court with an application for obtaining citizenship due to marriage. Remember, the period for obtaining French citizenship in this case can be increased if the cohabitation of the spouses was interrupted.
