Any legislation fixes the forms of ownership, of which there have been many throughout history. It is impossible to find a unified approach to their definition, but there is a classification that allows you to understand this issue. It implies a division into private, collective and public property.

Private property
Property is a conditioned form of appropriation of material goods to a person. As an economic category, it reflects the relations developing between people based on the appropriation of the means of production and the incomes, goods and services received with their help.
One of the main forms is private property, the relationship of which presupposes the isolation of the owner who exercises his rights independently of other people. The owner of such property is known, which implies specific responsibility for its use. A distinctive feature of the form under consideration is the independent exercise by the owner of the rights of disposal, possession, appropriation and use. The social carriers of this form are artisans, lawyers, private doctors, etc.
Collective ownership
The second form of ownership is collective, the basis of which is the association of individual owners. In Russia, this form is presented in several types. The first of these is cooperative property, where each member of the cooperative invests his property and his labor, and also has the same rights in comparison with others in the distribution and management of income. The second type is joint-stock ownership, which has signs of public and private. Its basis is the voluntary pooling of funds of many individuals and legal entities. The third type is partnership property, which is the result of the pooling of capital of several persons.
Public property
Another form of property is public, the relations of which involve the joint exercise of the rights of the owner by different persons. This form is based on joint ownership and control. Property rights in this case belong to everyone, that is, there is no specific owner. First of all, this form is represented by state property, in which the rights belong to a certain institution of power. The state disposes of it, and the administration is entrusted to the appointed leaders. The property of public organizations is based on the fact that it can be appropriated, and members of associations are able to dispose of it, while everyone is on equal terms. The social form is the basis for municipal and state enterprises.