In large companies and small firms it has long become a tradition to celebrate holidays with the whole team. Especially when they are part of the workflow. And if there have been personnel changes in your office and a new director has been appointed, you must congratulate him on this achievement.

Step 1
First of all, you need to determine for yourself why you want to congratulate this person. After all, if he became your new boss, you can win him over with the right gift. There is nothing wrong with that, especially in times of crisis, when everyone is holding on to their place. If the new director is your long-standing good friend and colleague, you can congratulate him simply in order to please the person who has worked for a long time and honestly on the way to the new position.
Step 2
It is from this that it is necessary to proceed when deciding whether to give a gift independently or on behalf of the entire team. In the first case, you can draw attention to yourself with a successful gift, but your financial capabilities will be significantly limited. In addition, you run the risk of making an inappropriate and tactless gift, which will only infuriate the new boss. By adding funds to a common basket, your personal merit in preparing a congratulation may be blurred, but several minds will always be able to come up with an original gift, and there will be more funds for this.
Step 3
If you decide to congratulate the new director yourself, study the Internet first. There are many gift shops with a special section "Director" or "Bosses". Not very original, but always an appropriate gift will be a good ballpoint or fountain pen, a high-quality organizer, a wall clock. This option is best chosen if you are unfamiliar with the new bosses.
Step 4
If you are confident in the boss's sense of humor, you can also take a look at the section "Cool gifts for the chef", where you will find sets of vodka glasses disguised as thick books, interesting pictures and many other funny things.
Step 5
After choosing the gift itself, you need to pick up a beautiful congratulation. If the new position will be celebrated at the corporate table, you can prepare a spectacular toast. Otherwise, congratulations can be said in person or written in a postcard.
Step 6
Collective congratulations open up great prospects for you. For "your" boss, you can prepare a gift by uniting the entire office and arranging a mini-concert with poems, songs and contests. All this is dedicated to the hero of the occasion.
Step 7
It will look original if you find interesting posters of the Soviet era and make thematic collages with the image of your boss instead of the heroes of the poster. The finished work can be printed on photographic paper and hung either in the office of the newly made director, or in the hall where the celebration will take place.