It's good if you and your boss understand each other perfectly. But what if the boss constantly finds fault with you over trifles and brings you to a nervous breakdown with his reproaches? Of course, you can change jobs, but there is no guarantee that the situation in the new place will not repeat itself. Better to try to find a way out of this situation.

Step 1
Prepare yourself mentally to change your existing relationship with management. The boss is not a teacher, he has no right to read you morality and make you understand that you are a naughty child who needs to be punished. Realize that you are both adults. Repeat these common truths to yourself every day, better - standing in front of the mirror. In the end, this thought will firmly sit in your head and will support you in moments of doubt.
Step 2
After making a decision, you need to let the boss know that you are ready to cooperate. Visit his office for advice on how to make work more efficient or what tactics to choose for doing a particular case. Think about the topics in advance. If up to this point your communication has been limited to reproaches on his part and a negative reaction to them on your part, the manager will be surprised at the changes in your manner of communication. Your calm tone and confident business spirit will discourage him from finding fault with you over trifles.
Step 3
Always keep a cool head in conversations with your superiors. If you need to raise an objection, do not use the pronoun "I". Instead of phrases "I am constantly in a state of emergency" say "you give me an assignment at the very last moment, when there is no time left for its high-quality execution." With such a policy, the boss will understand that you are taking up a strong defense and he will have to retreat.
Step 4
If you need your boss's advice, be specific about your questions. Before asking them, imagine that you are seeking help from a stranger. This will make it easier for you to abstract from the negativity. And he will get the impression that they turn to him for advice as the most experienced person in this matter. This approach will improve your relationship.
Step 5
If your boss likes to raise his voice, don't be tempted to shout down. Cool down his fighting spirit with the phrase "I understand that you are worried, it prevents you from concentrating and making an important decision." You need to speak calmly and sincerely, looking into his eyes. After such a statement, the boss will be discouraged by your reaction, the desire to raise his voice will disappear.
Step 6
In any situation, be able to stand up for yourself and fight back if the leader goes beyond his powers. This will not spoil the relationship, on the contrary - your well-grounded decisiveness will inspire respect, and the boss will not use you as a messenger or in the role of any other assistant for his own purposes.
Step 7
Discuss your professional success with colleagues on a regular basis. If you hear only reproaches and negativity from the boss, you can begin to doubt your professional competence. Then your colleagues will support you and help you to dispel your doubts.
Step 8
In the process of choosing tactics of behavior with a “difficult” boss, remember: you can change your attitude towards the boss, but you cannot change him. If you still can't find a common language with your superiors, you waste too much nerves, think about whether this place is worth the effort? Maybe it would be better to go to another division or change the company. After all, this struggle can take its best years.