It is often difficult for a person with memory problems to build a career. The bosses of such an employee qualify as an absent-minded specialist who does not know how to concentrate on important things. Hence the slowed down career growth, and the complete lack of professional success. Fortunately, there are tools to train your memory and anyone can use them.

The solution to this problem must be approached with full responsibility. And first of all, you should determine the reasons that led to the disorder of memory. Most often they are stress and prolonged overwork. Climate change, team problems, and family troubles can provoke forgetfulness syndrome. More serious memory disorders are the result of traumatic brain injury and serious injury. In such cases, forgetfulness is not a problem, but a symptom of more radical ailments.
However, most often, memory disorders are associated with the inability to concentrate on important things, synchronize written information and systematically perform tasks set by management.
An important step towards an impeccable memory will be the development of your own system for storing information. The basic rule that must be followed is that each information must have its own platform for memorizing. Often such a platform is a diary or notebook. Then, as often happens, other notebooks appear, which leads to disunity in the records. It should be determined that the diary should be one. All information in it must be accompanied by dates and special notes. No unnecessary entries or double notes can be entered. You should also avoid underused and obscure abbreviations.
The second information platform should be an electronic database. It can be a regular word or excel document. In electronic form, you should store contact information, dates and brief information about upcoming events, as well as documents necessary for work. Thus, the electronic database turns into a card index of information on the entire front of work.
The next step is to create a to-do list. It can be kept directly in a notebook or on a computer in the form of three files or a table divided into three columns. The first contains urgent tasks that require immediate implementation, the second is intended for medium-term issues, and the third is to bring long-term plans together. Every day, this list of tasks must be updated and each item must be read in order to bring together a picture of the work schedule.
In addition to tasks, the workflow requires storing a certain amount of information. To speed up the learning process, you need to take two time slots during the working day to read the information. This time should be completely freed from other tasks. It is advisable to turn off your phone while reading and eliminate all annoying and distracting factors. It is better if the first break for the study of information is attributed to the first half of the day, when the greatest activity of brain activity is noted. The studied information must be read thoughtfully, trying to catch all the details and fix them in memory as accurately as possible. If, in the process of studying information, it becomes necessary to clarify the meaning of a particular term or definition, then you should write down the meaning and try to remember it. It is also useful to highlight important points with a marker.
Re-studying the material is best attributed to the second part of the working day. The longer the time interval between the first and second reading, the better. When you re-study the information, the fragments of the text that are remembered in the least way will quickly come to mind, and it will be easier for them to be memorized.