In the world, the question of time is very acute. We never get enough of him. Especially in a big city - a megalopolis, we find ourselves in an eternally hurrying, running crowd of people who are constantly busy with something: talking on the phone, signing documents, reading books, checking reports, etc. There is not a single moment of calmness and silence. Even at night the cities do not sleep. It seems that in the midst of this chaos, you can simply lose yourself, mix with the crowd and become a solid gray mass that performs the same actions from day to day, changing only the time frame for each of them.

If we look at our day from the outside, we will note that very often we do not have time to eat or make an important call on time, or we forget about the meeting, and then we try not to be late for it, fighting with all our might with traffic jams. There is confusion, chaos, all this leads a person to stress, which only aggravates the situation. And when a person desperately tries to deal with the problems that have arisen, he only walks in one place, and cannot understand what he needs to do now.
This does not happen because a person is not competent or insufficiently educated, it arises because he has lost a reference point in time, and time has swallowed him up. You need to be able to tame time and make it work for you, and along with it you will become more efficient. If this happens, then you will easily manage everything and be less nervous about the postponed important matters.
So how can you overcome the problem of time pressure and make your work more efficient? On this occasion, a large number of articles were written, but I am used to always looking at things in a new way, not like they teach in a classic way, passing from year to year and only transforming and retelling words that have long been pretty worn out. Let's start …
1. Get a work organizer. To begin with, although we live in an age of progress, and we have more than one mobile phone in our pocket, and in our bag you can find all kinds of electronic devices, aids for work, still every self-respecting person should have a good organizer or diary.
2. Write it down. At the end of each evening, sketch out the things you have planned for the next day. Do not rely on your memory, it often fails.
3. Organize. The most important thing in improving efficiency is organization and practicality. You must be aware that you are not a robot and you cannot do many things at one time. Therefore, make a sketch opposite the text, which of those matters is the most important and urgent.
4. Rest time. Never fill your entire day with work. The rule that you must remember for the rest of your life is that you can spend a maximum of 60% of your time on work, 40% - leave to yourself. What is 40% for? This is almost half of the daytime. Believe me, in fact, you will have only 20% of the time for yourself, the remaining 20% will be spent on urgent things that suddenly appeared out of nowhere. And if you leave 20% of the time to yourself initially, then what happens then? It's not hard to count.
5. Don't delay. If you don’t even want to do something, but you still have to, then it’s better to do it right away. Because there is no worse thing to postpone things for later, to come back and torture yourself with unpleasant sensations. It will also lead to stress.
6. Clean! We draw up a schedule for tomorrow, putting down the approximate execution time (the schedule includes the main and important tasks - 1-2 positions, minor, but those that only you can solve on your own - 2-4 positions, small cases that cannot be postponed (calls, letters, coordination of activities)). If among your draft list there are tasks that do not fit into the schedule for the day, then do not try to write them there.
7. Sorting and priority. Now we return to our remnants, to what was not included in the main list. This list is also important for us, because these are the same things as the others, but they have a different priority. If among them there are things that can be delegated to your assistant or subordinates, then we write it down in an additional list to the schedule for the next day.
8. Final touches. At the end of planning, you need to check everything again so as not to forget anything and make sure that everything is taken into account.
In the beginning, you will find it strange to constantly plan the day, it may even start to annoy at some point. But without prioritization and clear time frames for work, you will be lost in the daily rush, there will be no feeling of life, you will not feel pleasure from work, because you will constantly rush and you will not have enough time for yourself and your family.
It must be remembered that an important component of any person's success is his self-control and ability to abstract. You should have time for work, but almost as much time for your family.
Time always passes quickly when you don't know how to plan it correctly, and at the same time unfulfilled tasks accumulate, which burden you, annoy and knock you out of rhythm, which further turns your life into chaos.
Therefore, drink more water, do not forget that you should eat well and call your loved ones when you have a free moment. And she will certainly be!
And don't forget that you can do everything!