How To Easily Apply The Boston Matrix In Time Management

How To Easily Apply The Boston Matrix In Time Management
How To Easily Apply The Boston Matrix In Time Management

The Boston Matrix is one of the time management tools, invented in order to rationally prioritize your large projects and current affairs.

How To Easily Apply The Boston Matrix In Time Management
How To Easily Apply The Boston Matrix In Time Management

To distribute all cases according to the Boston matrix scheme, it is necessary to answer the main question: is the case profitable right now and is it promising? If the business (project) that brings immediate benefit is promising, it should be placed in the upper left corner of the matrix to the "stars". This is the first category of cases. The second category is “difficult kids” (top right corner). These are projects that do not give a return right now, but in the long run, if everything goes well, they can become "stars".

If the business gives a result, but it has no development and perspective, then this is a "cash cow" (lower left corner). Cases in this category need to be done, but not give them the maximum of your energy. And finally, the fourth category - cases - "dogs" (located in the lower right corner). They are not profitable and absolutely hopeless. From "dogs" should be abandoned altogether. The priorities between these groups of cases are as follows:

- the main focus is on the "stars";

- if the “difficult child” has become a “dog”, you should remove him from the to-do list;

- "dogs" need to drive away or reduce the time spent on them to a minimum;

- "cow" should be dealt with until she becomes a "dog".

There are many schemes for allocating time, depending on the urgency of the issue, priority, the ability to delegate parts of the case, etc. All these are effective tools of time management, the practical application of which allows you to increase your productivity at times.
