There are various situations when a wife has to receive a salary for her husband. The documents confirming her right to receive money can also be drawn up in different ways. Separately, we can consider cases when a widow receives an unpaid salary on time.

Step 1
If your husband abuses alcohol, and therefore cannot manage the money necessary to support the family, then you can first contact the organization where he works and ask the chief accountant or manager to issue a power of attorney in your name (in the presence of your husband) to receive a salary … If the organization refuses to help you, go to court with a statement about the limitation of the spouse's rights and the appointment of guardianship over him.
Step 2
If your husband has been called up for military service or is on business trips for a long time, then he can issue a general power of attorney for you, which will be the basis for issuing your salary. As a last resort, such a power of attorney can be signed by the commander of the unit (for conscripts) or the captain of the ship (for sailors).
Step 3
If your husband is in the hospital, then you can draw up a one-time power of attorney and ask the head doctor of the hospital to sign it. Sometimes, to issue such a power of attorney, the signature of the head of the housing department may also be required.
Step 4
You can use the unlimited trust of your husband and take his salary from him only if he receives money by transferring to a bank card, and you know her PIN code.
Step 5
If your husband has passed away, then you can receive a salary that was not paid to him on the basis of the death certificate, the work book of the spouse and the passport within a week from the date of contacting his organization. However, the organization, if your husband was a really good employee, will rush to fulfill these sad responsibilities itself.
Step 6
If you are currently divorced, but you and your ex-deceased husband have joint children, then they (or you, as their representative), can receive a salary for him if other heirs were not established within the timeframes stipulated by law (6 months after his death).
Step 7
If you have not formalized the inheritance inherited from your ex-husband, go to court to restore your rights, and then, having a certificate in your hands, contact a bank or an organization where you are obliged to give the money owed to him.