The question of time is especially acute when it comes to work. And it’s not about being able to complete all things on time, but at least arriving at a strictly designated time.

To get started, stock up on a watch with an alarm clock (it is better that there are several of them). Make sure they all show the correct time or put them 15 minutes ahead for prevention.
Set alarms at different times, but keep the interval short.
It is better to place the watch away from your bed in order to eliminate the possibility of quickly turning off the call and falling asleep just as quickly afterwards without getting out of bed.
To minimize the time for your morning preparations, prepare the things you need for tomorrow in advance. Also, make your breakfast in advance so that in the morning you only need to take it out of the refrigerator or reheat it quickly.
In order not to refer to traffic jams once again if you are late, you can stop getting stuck in them if you think over another, less loaded route. At the very least, you can leave the house with a 20-minute margin.
But the surest way not to oversleep work is to just go to bed on time and relax a little before bed (take a bath or read a book over a glass of warm milk).