How To Find A Job In Moscow As A Live-in Nurse

How To Find A Job In Moscow As A Live-in Nurse
How To Find A Job In Moscow As A Live-in Nurse

Many, coming to Moscow, want to find a job with accommodation. This allows you to save a significant amount on renting a room or apartment. One of these forms of employment is employment as a nurse. Women with a medical background and experience in caring for the elderly are very often recruited for this position.

How to find a job in Moscow as a living nurse
How to find a job in Moscow as a living nurse

How to find a job as a nurse in Moscow

To find a job in Moscow, you need to use all the resources. These are job sites where you can post a well-written resume, recruiting agencies, friends and acquaintances who can advise people interested in a good caregiver.

It is worth starting your job search by writing a resume. Education should be indicated there. The easiest way to get a job as a nurse is if you have a diploma from a medical university or at least a nursing school. A nurse is usually required for very elderly and not very healthy people. It may be necessary to give injections, change diapers, prevent bedsores, provide first aid, etc. For a person who is not familiar with medicine, this is very difficult to do.

In the resume, it is necessary to indicate work experience, the presence or absence of a license to drive a car (this may be important if, according to the terms of the employment contract, it will be necessary to take the ward to a hospital or clinic), as well as contact numbers of past employers who could confirm your good faith. Instead, you can attach letters of recommendation to your resume. They significantly increase your chances of finding a high-paying job.

Residential work - what to look for

A residential caregiver is most often required by seriously ill or very old people. This is a rather difficult job - you have to monitor the health of the ward almost around the clock. This is especially difficult if care is needed for an elderly person with severe sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, incontinence, etc. Very often, two nurses are hired to care for such people, who are on duty in shifts. Or one, but with accommodation, so that she was constantly next to the ward. This job pays very well, but it also requires significant labor costs.

Most often, in the case of hiring a live-in nurse, her duties include not only caring for a person requiring attention, but also cooking, cleaning the apartment, etc. Therefore, agreeing to such work, it is important not to make too much money. It should be understood that almost twenty-four hours a day you will be at the workplace, and your help may be required at any moment. And so that there are no unnecessary responsibilities, it is worthwhile to draw up an employment contract with a job description in advance. Which will list everything the caregiver should do. Otherwise, the range of tasks may become so wide that even a day will not be enough to complete it.
