There are people who are looking forward to the moment when the holidays and vacations are over, so that they can immediately start work, plunging into it with their heads. They do not need to waste time on the buildup and an incredible effort of will to force themselves to delve into current affairs. If you are not one of them, and long vacations knock you out of your work rhythm for a long time, use the advice of psychologists.

To make it easier for you to tune in to work after the holidays and vacations, make a to-do list in advance to do right after you leave. For each item, briefly write down what needs to be done first. But do not limit yourself to just a list - prepare for it all the documents that you may need for work, arrange them in order, so that later you will not painfully remember why you need this or that paper.
Before starting work after a vacation, try to normalize your regime in a day or two, prepare mentally and physically for work. Start going to bed again on time and switch to proper nutrition, give up evening gatherings with alcohol. Spend these days outdoors, take a longer walk. Get a good night's sleep before your first day of work so that you can show up for work vigorous and full of energy.
When taking on responsibilities, you should not immediately try to fulfill everything planned. If the body resists - listen to it, give yourself time to adapt - then you will catch up. Perform important and urgent tasks first. Pay attention to those matters that do not require much effort from you, concentration of forces and skills, this will help you quickly return to your former shape.
Many people note that after returning to work after a long vacation, after a while they begin to feel apathy and irritation. There is a feeling that there was no vacation at all. To stimulate yourself, start thinking about your next vacation. New plans will give you a boost of energy and work enthusiasm.
At least for the first time after the holidays, do not stay at work, even if it seems to you that a lot of things have accumulated. Overexertion of the first working days can quickly turn into chronic fatigue. In this case, no amount of processing will help you. Take care of yourself and your body will certainly thank you for this, which will have a positive effect on the quality of your work.