What should an employee do in a situation when the manager loads him with additional work? How not to let them use their reliability and not be fired at the same time? How to defend your rights? Most employees ask themselves all these questions at least once in their lives. In fact, you just need to learn how to say "no" correctly.

Step 1
Understand the reasons for this behavior of your boss. Chances are, your boss has decided that you simply hesitate to refuse him. But at the same time, he does not doubt your professionalism and even considers one of the best. It is unlikely that he would entrust important work to a bad employee.
Step 2
Having found out the reason, you can quite thoroughly demand a promotion or, at least, a salary increase. Leaders, of course, must take care of this themselves. But practice shows that this happens extremely rarely.
Step 3
As if by chance, take an interest in what kind of additional payment you will receive by completing the additional work. Show that you respect yourself and your work and do not intend to work by the sweat of your brow for free.
Step 4
Do not show your fear of the leader, communicate with him on an equal footing, because he is the same person as you, and you can also negotiate with him. Refuse your boss by reminding you of an employment contract that clearly sets out your work schedule.
Step 5
It happens that the boss simply does not remember that a certain job is not part of your job responsibilities. Tactfully inform him of this and the incident will be settled.
Step 6
When a manager comes up to you with another request, calmly explain to him that you are already busy with other work, and the additional workload will affect its quality. Perhaps for him at the moment it is more important to complete the task with which he approached you, and current tasks can be postponed.