Today one of the most demanded professions in the labor market is the vacancy of a sales manager. It is important for employers to determine at a glance whether an applicant is suitable for the role of a successful salesperson or not. Therefore, it is important to immediately imagine what qualities such an employee should have.

Sales manager - portrait
First, determine the level of education required for the position. If the sales industry is not specific, then specialized higher education is not required. Much more important is knowledge and work experience. The applicant must be oriented in the market, possess information about the product, have a competent and delivered speech, understand the psychology of people.
Secondly, gender. There is no need to display a discriminatory principle. The stereotype that women are less productive at work, because they have children, go on maternity leave, sit on sick leave, is outdated. Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity today are perfectly able to combine both personal life and work.
Third, choose an age category. For a salesperson, the age of 25-35 is suitable. It is believed that it is in this gap that people are most full of energy, productive and motivated for successful work.
Sales manager - list of qualities
Initiative, ability to make decisions independently. Otherwise, such an employee will ask unnecessary questions all the time, thereby taking away precious time from the manager.
Ability to persuade. After all, when buying, a person constantly doubts whether or not it is necessary to purchase a product. At the same time, the manager's task is to strengthen this need.
Sociability. This quality is especially valuable for the seller. After all, he should spend most of his working time in communication with people.
Stress tolerance. Selling is always a difficult process, buyers are different, but the main thing here is to be able to control yourself and find an approach to any client.
Sales manager - selection stages
The first stage is screening. All received resumes must be carefully researched and unnecessary candidates must be excluded, guided by a compiled portrait of the required employee. The second stage is a test task. This technique is often used in Western recruiting companies. For example, potential employees are encouraged to write a short essay on the topic "What attracts a HR manager?" or "Why did you choose this particular company", etc. At this stage, you can weed out those candidates who did not meet the deadlines or do not know how to correctly and logically stand up for their thought. The third stage is the interview. Here you can give candidates a practical assignment. For example, offer them to sell a ballpoint pen. This will give you the opportunity to see at a glance whether the applicant will be a good seller. The fourth stage is an internship. The best applicants selected through previous assignments can be invited to try to work, for example, for a percentage of sales. Based on the indicators, you can easily decide on the choice.