A marketer has a fairly wide range of responsibilities that not every economist can handle. That is why, before applying for a given vacancy, you should familiarize yourself with what you have to do.

The responsibilities of a marketer include not only communication on social networks, watching videos and throwing cool pictures. He must monitor the actions of competitors, and develop an action plan to bring the company in which he works to the market leader.
Market analysis
Market analysis is the primary responsibility of any marketer. After all, trends change very quickly, and in order to be a leader, you need to be able to adapt to them. In this case, you will need to develop a whole action plan, since you will need to make changes to the work, introduce new programs, and so on. In addition, the marketer must monitor the company's competitors in order to keep up with them.
Work with clients
Working with clients is also the responsibility of the marketer, since he must know what they need at the moment. Thus, he will be able to offer him the best, otherwise the consumer will go to competitors, he will not wait, since it is not profitable for him. In addition, the marketer must find out why the client chose this particular company, then he has a chance to improve the service and offer him something more. So, if you improve the service a little and give a little, you can increase your profits.
Looking for new clients
The marketer must search for new customers. However, this does not mean that he needs to do this by calling potential buyers through the telephone directory. Its task is to find new niches in which a product or service can be used. You can, for example, think about how to use them for some other purpose. You may need to pay attention to an entire market or a new segment that, for some reason, was not previously interesting.
Finance analysis
An important responsibility of a marketer is financial analysis. Of course, a competent marketer will be able to calculate the approximate turnover of the company, the market and competitors in general, but this is not enough. He has to calculate many other points as well. First of all, these are the dynamics of the market, its ups and downs. The growth cycles of the company's turnover must coincide with the growth of the market, if this does not happen, then the company has problems. Does she really need customers with huge discounts, or can she simplify the system and make more profit? All this should be done by a marketer, then the company will prosper and react quickly to the actions of competitors and changes in market trends.