A job description is a document that explains to an employee his rights and obligations corresponding to his position. The question "How to write job responsibilities?" implies the preparation of a job description, which sets out the requirements for the employee's labor function.

Step 1
The main purpose of the job description is to bring the work of a specialist in line with the goals of the company. There are no standards here, but there are basic rules that are of practical importance.
Include in the list of information all types of activities that need to be performed by a specialist; service interaction with employees from their own and other departments. Indicate the nature of this interaction; a list of equipment that a specialist will have to deal with - this also includes information about the materials and knowledge necessary for qualified activities. Describe the standard performance indicators, for what and in what amount the remuneration will be made; working conditions.
Step 2
The job responsibilities of an employee cannot be represented in an impressive volume - these are usually 2-3 sheets of typewritten text, so describe all types of work succinctly and accurately in order to avoid further misunderstanding on the part of the employee. Use collective expressions in relation to responsibilities if the question is about office work. Absolutely specific instructions are required if job descriptions are written for workers in production.
Step 3
In the list of job responsibilities, add the point of subordination of the employee.
The job description necessarily contains information about the subordination of the enterprise - this provision in the document further removes workers' claims about who and what can dispose of. Variants of double subordination are possible - on some issues a specialist is at the disposal of one manager, on others - in the department of another.
Step 4
The next item is working hours. Be sure to describe the possibility of engaging in work in the event of force majeure. Also write down payment for work on weekends and holidays.
An important point: in the job description, stipulate the responsibility of the parties for compliance with the duties specified in the above paragraphs. For non-compliance, write down the penalties within the framework of the current legislation.
Step 5
Draw up the job description strictly in a formal business style. Write each item on a new line and mark with the next digit. The document is signed by the parties in duplicate - one remains with the employee, the second - in the personnel department of the enterprise.