How To Leave An Inheritance To Neighbors

How To Leave An Inheritance To Neighbors
How To Leave An Inheritance To Neighbors

The current legislation of the Russian Federation grants citizens the right to bequeath their property to any heir. However, in order for it to go to selected people, for example, neighbors, it is necessary to take a number of legally significant actions.

How to leave an inheritance to neighbors
How to leave an inheritance to neighbors

The procedure for the distribution of property after the death of a citizen is governed by part 3 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, registered in the code of laws of our country under number 146-ФЗ dated November 26, 201. At the same time, a whole section of this regulatory legal act is devoted to the transfer of inherited property.

General order of inheritance

Article 1111 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation establishes that today in our country there are two main mechanisms for the distribution of property after the death of a citizen: inheritance by law and by will. Inheritance by law applies if the deceased did not leave orders regarding his property after death. In this situation, its distribution will be carried out in accordance with the priority. In particular, in Articles 1142-1145 of the Civil Code, there are eight lines of inheritance, the affiliation to which depends on the nature of the family ties of potential heirs with the deceased. When distributing property according to the law, only persons associated with a deceased relationship based on kinship, property or adoption can apply for it.

Transfer of inheritance to selected heirs

Thus, if you want to leave things, money and other valuables belonging to you after death to persons who are not related to you by kinship, for example, neighbors, you must draw up a will in advance. Article 1119 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation grants the owner of property the right to dispose of it in any way and leave it to any person: the circle of such persons is not legally limited. However, it is necessary to ensure that the will was drawn up in compliance with all the requirements of the current legislation. Otherwise, after the death of the testator, the will may be challenged, and the property belonging to the citizen will be distributed differently than he wanted.

Such requirements are fixed in Article 1124 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The main conditions for this situation are the written form of the document and its notarization. In this case, the text of the document itself can be either handwritten or printed, for example, on a computer. However, in both of these cases, be sure to make sure that the personal signature of its compiler is present on the will, certifying its authenticity. In addition, if the testator wishes, the document can be drawn up in the presence of witnesses or in a closed form, that is, so that no one, including the notary, will be aware of its content until the death of the testator.
