Anyone who wants to sell an apartment often faces such a problem: a realtor has been found who promises to find a suitable option in a matter of days. A contract is concluded with him. All imaginable, unthinkable terms pass, but there are no results. It is clear that it is necessary to break off all relations with such a realtor, but in practice this is not always easy to do.

Step 1
In order not to subsequently have problems with terminating the contract with a careless realtor, pay attention to some points of this contract even before it is signed.
Step 2
Make a contract so that you pay for the end result (for the apartment sold or for the living space you purchased). Realtors, on the other hand, try to draw up a contract so that it is not aimed at the final result. In the contract, they note that they are obliged to show you apartments, place advertisements in the press, collect certificates and documents, provide you with information on their database, and so on. It will be difficult to terminate such an agreement because you will not be able to prove the agents' bad faith.
Step 3
If you have noted in the agreement that the agency is responsible for the sale or purchase of real estate, the deadlines pass, but there is no result, feel free to terminate this agreement. Since the terms of the contract were not fulfilled by the real estate agency, demand not only the termination of the contract, but also the return of the money you paid.
Step 4
Please note that you can terminate the contract, even if the realtor seems to fulfill all the agreed conditions. But in this case, you will have to pay the agency the costs incurred. To do this, submit an application (written, of course) to this real estate office. In the application, indicate that you refuse services and ask for a transcript of the costs incurred. Demand proof that these expenses not only took place, but were also related to the implementation of your contract.