Despite the fact that the Constitution guarantees citizens of the Russian Federation free treatment in state institutions, it is not always possible to exercise their right. It is sometimes possible to see a doctor. This is due to the numerous queues and the absence of certain specialists in polyclinics. Therefore, many citizens are forced to spend huge sums on treatment in private medical institutions. But part of the money spent can be returned if you apply for a social tax deduction.

Step 1
In the accounting department at the place of work, you will receive a certificate of salary for the past year in the form of 2-NDFL. It is required to complete and submit a tax return. The certificate must be signed by the chief accountant and the round stamp of the institution. For those who work in several places, certificates of income from each of them are required.
Step 2
Check the correctness of registration of medical documents from a paid clinic. Make a copy of the license and certificate of state accreditation of the institution in advance. Make sure you have all the necessary signatures and stamps on your paid health care agreement and receipts. Remember that part of the money can be returned not only for treatment, but also for diagnostics, additional medical insurance, rehabilitation in a sanatorium and preventive procedures. It is also possible to receive a tax deduction for the purchase of medicines, but for this you must submit a prescription form No. 107.
Step 3
Contact the department of the Federal Tax Service at your place of residence, where take the necessary forms and, using a sample, fill out a tax return in the form of 3-NDFL for the past year. If you have any difficulties in filling it out, you can contact one of the companies involved in the preparation of tax returns, or use a special program available on the Internet.
Step 4
Give your income tax return to the tax office. Write an application for social tax deduction for treatment. Attach copies of medical documents, TIN certificate and passport. When receiving a tax deduction for the treatment of relatives, submit documents proving your relationship with them.
Step 5
Contact the tax office 3 months after filing the return in order to find out what decision has been made on your case. If everything is in order with the medical documents, you will be asked to indicate the account number to which the tax deduction will be transferred within a month.