If your organization is working around the clock in production, then you need to consider in more detail the issue of remuneration of employees at night. In accordance with current legislation, you need to pay an increased amount for the work of your employees at night.

- - timesheets for the use of working hours for the reporting month by production sites (and / or security);
- - Shift schedules for production sites (and / or security);
- - the staffing table of the production site (and / or security).
Step 1
Approve the normative act in your company on the establishment of additional payments for work at night (this may be an order for the company). Payment for work at night is higher than for work under normal working conditions. Establish a percentage of the supplement for night work in your local regulation. It must be at least 20% (that is, it may be higher) of the hourly wage rate (in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 22, 2008 N 554 "On the minimum amount of increase in wages for work at night").
Step 2
Determine from the time sheet the number of hours worked by workers at night in a month. According to labor law, night time is considered to be from 22-00 o'clock to 6-00 o'clock. Determine on the staffing table the hourly wage rate of the worker who worked at night. If an employee has a monthly salary, then calculate the hourly wage rate by dividing the official salary by the monthly rate of working hours according to the employee's shift schedule.
Step 3
Calculate the amount of the night work supplement for each employee: multiply the employee's hourly wage rate by the number of hours they worked at night in a month. Multiply this number by the percentage of the night work supplement approved by your facility. This will be the amount of the additional payment for work at night. Calculate night work pay for each employee in the same way.