How To Go To Work On A Polar Night

How To Go To Work On A Polar Night
How To Go To Work On A Polar Night

Doctors say that on the polar night, many northerners experience a depressed state, constant fatigue and drowsiness, this is caused by a deficiency of vitamins and sunlight. All this reduces the efficiency of people, but no one canceled the work. So how do you cope with the polar night syndrome and avoid hibernation?

How to go to work on a polar night
How to go to work on a polar night

Observe the regimen

In the absence of the sun, there is a deficit of visual information. The nervous system is sensitive to this and sends signals to the body, such as confusion in the time of day, failure of the usual rhythm of life, which, as a result, cannot but affect sleep. Therefore, at the time when it is necessary to work, a person wants to sleep, but at night he cannot fall asleep. Try to go to bed at the same time and get at least eight hours of sleep.

Do not be afraid of overwork

The harsh climate makes life rather monotonous, and this has a very negative effect on the psyche. Passive existence leads to asthenia and depression, as a result, a person ceases to live in full force. He gets up in the morning with a feeling of fatigue, works sluggishly, reaction decreases, attention is dulled. The person becomes incapable of creative solutions.

So that the brain does not suffer from a workload, find something to do - read books, watch movies, draw, do the cleaning at home, do self-education, etc. Don't sit within four walls - walk more often, meet friends, go to the movies, to concerts. The bathhouse is very useful for the inhabitants of the North.

Tune in to the positive

Ultraviolet hunger leads to the fact that the body stops producing the hormone of joy - serotonin, which is produced by the pituitary glands. The human brain is very powerful. If a person begins to think positively, look into the future with joy, then the world around him will be transformed and sparkle with bright colors, despite the polar winter. Do not get hung up on winter, live in the present, it can also be happy. Learn to see happiness in every aspect of life.

In addition, bright light can improve your mood, so try to include bright lights during the day at home or in your office. It dispels the blues, increases efficiency. Bright colors have a good effect on the oppressed human psyche, so try to dress in clothes of bright juicy colors during the polar night.

Follow your diet

There is a diet specially developed for the inhabitants of the North in the conditions of the polar night. Its main task is to protect cells from free radicals. Load up on fruits and vegetables, walnuts, dairy products, dried fruits, oily fish, and complex vitamins. Try to exclude fatty meats, mayonnaise, sweets from your diet. It is better to replace coffee with ginger tea. This will give the body the energy it needs and revitalize the brain.

Spend more time outdoors

Take up winter sports - skating, skiing, sledding, playing snowballs. You can simply walk more, for example, make it a habit to get to work without using transport. Lack of fresh air has a very negative effect on human health and well-being. Anyone who spends a lot of time on the street sleeps well, has a higher working capacity, and is less likely to get colds.

Just do not forget that traffic police strongly recommend not to go out without flickers, i.e. special reflective elements. During the polar night, the risk of road accidents and pedestrian collisions is much higher, so be sure to wear flickers on your clothes to be more visible on the roadway. This is especially important for children.
