Is It Possible To Have Two Passports At The Same Time

Is It Possible To Have Two Passports At The Same Time
Is It Possible To Have Two Passports At The Same Time

Russian citizens are interested in whether they can get another passport with a valid first one. They have such a right since the end of 2015, when the State Duma adopted the corresponding changes.

Is it possible to have two passports at the same time
Is it possible to have two passports at the same time

Reasons for obtaining a second passport

A second passport can come in handy almost at any time. The most common reasons for obtaining a second such document include the following:

  1. The absence of blank pages and the presence of visas in the first passport.
  2. The need to travel to another state for work in the absence of a passport on hand (it can be handed over to obtain another permit).
  3. The need to affix two visas at the same time in two different missions.
  4. Visiting states that are at enmity with each other.

If we talk about warring states, then, for example, having a visa to Israel automatically closes access to a number of Muslim countries for Russian citizens. Therefore, in order to get to Saudi Arabia or Iran, you must provide another passport.

Who will not be given a second passport

According to article 15 of FZ-114, there are categories of citizens to whom no one will issue a foreign passport. The reasons may be as follows:

  1. Possession of state classified information.
  2. Passage in a criminal case as a witness or a suspect.
  3. Military service.
  4. Criminal record outstanding.
  5. Outstanding financial liabilities.
  6. False information when filling out the questionnaire.
  7. Bankruptcy status.
  8. Work in the FSB.

At the same time, the service that draws up a foreign passport will issue an official written refusal with the obligatory indication of the reasons for this refusal.

Where is the second passport issued and how much does it cost?

You can get a passport in the following places:

  1. MFC.
  2. FMS.
  3. State Services Portal.

To obtain the substance of one foreign passport, a citizen must pay a state fee. The amount of this duty is established by tax legislation. In this case, the cost of a foreign passport is determined by the age of the recipient and the document itself.

So, a biometric passport will cost 3,500 rubles, a passport for children under 14 years old - 1,500 rubles. And if you pay the fee and services on the pages of the Internet portal of State Services, the cost will decrease by about 30 percent.

Terms of registration

The time required to produce another foreign passport does not in any way depend on the order. However, the legislation defines specific periods for even this procedure.

If a person registers a questionnaire at the place of his registration, a monthly period is provided, and if a person applies to the migration department in another region, then they will have to wait at least 4 months. At the same time, the terms can be reduced to 3 days, if not that there are good and documented reasons.
