A certificate of marital status is usually required for those who are going to marry a foreigner. At home, the second half will not register a marriage without such a document. However, Russian registry offices do not issue this paper. Moreover, there is not even a special form for such a certificate.

Step 1
Do not go to the registry office. This body is not entitled to issue you such a certificate. Firstly, this is not provided for by law. Secondly, today in Russia there is no common database of spouses. The easiest option is to contact the Russian consulate in the homeland of the chosen one. Don't forget to take your Russian passport with you. The consular officer will write you the required certificate. Many consulates even have ready-made forms with a request to issue a certificate of "unmarriage". You just need to enter your data there. You receive what you need and make a notarized translation of this certificate.
Step 2
The second way is to contact a notary in Russia. Show him your passport and they will write to you on the official letterhead with a hologram that you are not married. You only need to sign your name. And the notary - to certify it.
Step 3
Your further actions depend on the country in which you are going to get married. For some countries, a notary certification will be sufficient. And in Estonia, Belgium, Germany, Great Britain, Liechtenstein, Georgia, Bulgaria and many others, the so-called apostilization will be required. Such requirements are presented in 129 states - parties to the Hague Convention of 1961.