How Is The Amount Of Child Support Calculated?

How Is The Amount Of Child Support Calculated?
How Is The Amount Of Child Support Calculated?

Perhaps no one, deciding to start a family, does not think about what risks await them in the event of a divorce. This is especially true for couples with children. One way or another, but the question of their content arises sooner or later.

How is the amount of child support calculated?
How is the amount of child support calculated?

Not only money

According to the law, alimony can be collected both in cash and in the form of the provision of any property. There are two options for collecting alimony in cash: as a lump sum or as a percentage of the parent's earnings.

Interestingly, Russian legislation allows you to regulate the percentage of alimony and establish its amount in court. This does not mean at all that the court must necessarily determine the amount of alimony payments. If the parties can agree on their own, then there is no need to go to court. However, it should be borne in mind that the amount of payments should not be lower than what the child can count on if the parent goes to court.

According to the law, parents are required to pay a quarter of their earnings if they have one child. In favor of two children, a parent is obliged to provide at least a third of their earnings, three or more - 50%.

In difficult situations

A situation may arise when the child support parent will not be able to pay the required amount, for example, due to the loss of a job. In this case, the amount of alimony payments is set based on the minimum wage, in 2014 it is 5554 rubles.

If the parties independently agree on the amount of monthly payments for the child, then it is necessary to take into account the percentage of indexation, based on the calculation of the increase in the living wage. As a rule, the amount of alimony increases in proportion to the increase in the living wage. There are circumstances in which it is necessary to revise the amount of alimony payments. For example, a good reason for this would be the birth of another child in the new family of the parent paying alimony.

An interesting fact is that alimony is not levied on all types of income. Amounts paid as a result of injuries at work, injuries received, from pensions for the loss of a breadwinner, humanitarian aid are not subject to recovery. The rest of the income of an individual is subject to alimony deductions.

If the parent who is obliged to pay alimony has unstable earnings, then the amount and frequency of payments can be prescribed in the alimony agreement. In addition, a person's real estate may be recovered in favor of alimony. Most often this applies to defaulters who have a large debt.
