Guardianship is established over children up to 14 years old, guardianship - over children 14-18 years old. Guardianship (guardianship) is more widespread in Russia than other types of family arrangement, because for its registration does not require going to court, unlike adoption.

Step 1
Collect documents for registration of custody. To the guardianship and trusteeship authority at the place of residence, submit your application for the appointment of you as a guardian, a certificate from the place of work indicating the position, information about your income, a copy of your passport and marriage certificate, a certificate of no criminal record (for it you must submit your autobiography and an application to the Department of Internal Affairs). Also, you will be required to provide a certificate of ownership of the residential premises (share in the right) or a copy of the financial and personal account with an extract from the house book (when living in municipal housing), a statement-consent of all members of your family to establish custody of the child, a medical report on your health condition, which is issued after passing the commission at the hospital.
Step 2
Wait until the survey of your living conditions is carried out. After submitting the documents, the guardianship and guardianship authority examines your personality, character, ability to take care of the child, examines your relationship in the family and verifies that the living quarters where you will live with the ward are meeting certain requirements.
Step 3
Get a certificate of examination of your living conditions. After the visit of representatives of the guardianship authority to you, an act is drawn up, according to which permission for guardianship is or is not granted. In case of refusal, you have the right to go to court to challenge the opinion of this body.
Step 4
Choose a ward. If you have not yet found a child whom you would like to take care of, information about children can be provided by the guardianship and guardianship authority or the state data bank of children upon your request. Choosing one of the proposed children, you will be given a referral to visit him, which is valid for 10 days.
Step 5
Make a custody decision for your child. Make a statement with your consent to the custody of a particular child. If he is over 10 years old, his consent will also be required to become your ward. The Guardianship and Trusteeship Authority will issue a Guardian / Trustee Appointment Act, which may specify the period of your guardianship.