Lived together, loved together, gave birth together. But only now the young father decided to leave and refuses the child. "Not mine," he says. But to prove it or not is not difficult. It is enough to go through several medical and legal procedures.

- - a good lawyer
- - a good doctor
- - the child himself
Step 1
To begin with, you need to file a lawsuit against the negligent father to recognize his child as the father. The court will appoint an expert examination.
Step 2
In order not to immediately spend money on an expensive DNA examination, you can start with a simple medical examination to see if, in principle, this man can conceive a child. You can also check the relationship with the child by the blood type of the father and child. And most importantly, you need to remember if at the time of conception the alleged father was on some kind of distant business trip. You did all of the above, but your ex-husband still resists and says that the child is not his? Then he must do a genetic examination.

Step 3
Genetic testing is very easy. Anything can be suitable as a material for research: hair, saliva, blood, etc. The production time is about 2 weeks. This procedure costs about 12,000 rubles. But it is she who, with a 100% guarantee, allows you to find out who is the biological father of the child. If this is your ex, now you can safely sue him for the recovery of alimony.