Any business needs state registration. Some entrepreneurs are in no hurry to do this, despite the existing sanctions for illegal entrepreneurship, which includes entrepreneurship without state registration. It is safer to register on time, especially since it is quite simple to obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur, which is quite suitable for running almost any small business.

- - a statement with a notarized signature
- - a copy of your passport or other identity document
- - copy of birth certificate
- - the original or a copy of the document confirming the place of residence
- - receipt of payment of the state fee
- - for foreign citizens - other documents
Step 1
Any adult citizen of Russia can obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur, if he is not restricted by the court in his legal capacity (the court can restrict his legal capacity, for example, a person who abuses alcohol). A minor can also obtain this status if he is married or has undergone an emancipation procedure, which any person from the age of 16 can undergo. The essence of emancipation is that the court recognizes a person as fully capable with the consent of the parents or guardians. Foreign citizens and stateless persons can also engage in entrepreneurial activity in Russia and, accordingly, obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur.
Step 2
Registration of individual entrepreneurs is carried out by branches of the Federal Tax Service. In Moscow, the Ministry of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation No. 46 (the so-called "46th tax") is engaged in this. In order to obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur, you must submit the following documents to the tax office:
1. Application with a notarized signature.
2. A copy of your passport or other identity document.
3. A copy of the birth certificate.
4. Original or copy of the document confirming the place of residence.
5. Receipt for payment of the state fee.
For foreign citizens and minors, other documents may be required.

Step 3
It is best to contact the tax office in person, but documents can be sent by mail or an intermediary firm can be hired. In the second and third cases, copies of all documents will need to be certified by a notary. The term for registration of an individual entrepreneur is no more than 5 working days from the date of submission of documents.
Step 4
After registration, an entry on state registration is made in the register of individual entrepreneurs. A registered individual entrepreneur receives a certificate of state registration and a certificate of entry into the register.

Step 5
In case of refusal to register, the tax office must send the applicant a refusal decision. It can be appealed in court. The most common reasons for refusal are the failure to submit a complete package of documents for registration, the deprivation of the applicant's right to engage in entrepreneurial activity by the court.
Step 6
After registration, an individual entrepreneur officially acquires the right to engage in entrepreneurial activity. All changes in your information must be reported to the tax office to change the information in the register. For example, such changes in information can be a change of surname or address by registration.