The Institute of Justices of the Peace allows us to hope today for an accelerated consideration of civil cases. With all the variety of reasons for filing a statement of claim to a magistrate, there are rules for drawing up such a document, which should be strictly observed. In such a statement, several important points must be indicated.

- A computer
- Printer
Step 1
Download, for starters, a sample application corresponding to the subject of your appeal, following the link indicated at the end of the article. After reviewing the sample, start drafting your own claim, it is best to do this using a computer, typing text and printing two copies on a printer (for you and for the court). The law allows you to draw up an application in a simple written form, but you do not want to complicate the work of the magistrate, forcing him to analyze the peculiarities of your handwriting.
Step 2
The first three mandatory items relate to filling in the initial details. Start by specifying the addressee - this is the name of the court in which your claim will be heard. Next, write the last name, first name and patronymic, as well as the place of residence of the plaintiff for individuals. Or the full name and details of the enterprise, if a legal entity acts as a plaintiff. Fill in the respondent's details in the same format.
In addition, it would be appropriate to indicate the amount of the claim here.
Step 3
Start filling out the substantive part of the appeal by indicating the name of the document "Statement of Claim", placing it in the center of the sheet. Place a brief description of the subject of the claim immediately below it.
Now state the essence of the matter clearly and clearly, describe the circumstances that caused the situation. List the evidence supporting the validity of your claims. Describe what exactly your interests were infringed upon, supporting your innocence by referring to specific articles of the current legislation. Provide calculations, if necessary, to substantiate the fairness of the amounts of compensation presented to the defendant.
Tell your requirements to the defendant, referring to the court for the protection of your rights and freedoms, starting with the appeal "Please".
Step 4
In the final part of the statement of claim, list the documents (receipt of payment of the state duty, a copy of the statement of claim, etc.) attached to it in accordance with the requirements of the law. Enter the date of the claim, sign and indicate the decoding of the signature in brackets.