When executing the contract, the parties can at any time by mutual agreement change the contract or supplement its terms. The supplementary agreement must be concluded in the same form as the main contract. That is, if the contract itself is notarized, the additional agreement is also subject to certification by a notary.

Step 1
Indicate to which agreement (its number, date, name) is concluded.
Step 2
Draw up as an attachment, indicate what is an integral part of the contract.
Step 3
The preamble contains the same names for the parties as in the original agreement. In this case, the representatives of the parties - individuals may be different. The authority to sign an additional agreement must be verified. The actions of representatives must comply with the powers specified in the power of attorney. Otherwise, the agreement is considered null and void.
Step 4
In the main part, indicate which terms of the agreement are changing, becoming invalid, which new provisions are being introduced.
Step 5
The rest of the terms of the agreement remain unchanged.
Step 6
The draft supplementary agreement is considered and signed by the party within thirty days from the date of its receipt.